Thursday 4 January 2007

Verse of the week

'This is love; that we walk in obedience to his commands' 2 John 6

How can I show someone I love them? When it's Lizzie, chocolates or flowers usually do the trick, but actually it's by putting her first day by day, in big things or little things, that really shows whether I love her or whether I'm just saying it. After all, anyone can buy flowers and convince themselves they love that person; it doesn't mean they do.

How can I show I love God? John is very clear, isn't he? - by obeying his commands. That's what love towards God (and towards others) is - obviously God loves it when I say I love him, when I stand in church and sing that I love him, but actually it's obeying his commands, putting him and his wishes ahead of my own day by day, that really proves that I love him.

Anyone can say they love God - but not all of those people do. I can think of lots of people who've told me they love Jesus and trust Jesus and will follow Jesus - but they never bothered to follow his commands. Let's pray that God would give us the desire and the ability to love him in a real way, love him in the way he asks; by following his loving, perfect, righteous commands, not just on Sundays or special days, but day by day, in big things or little things, as we learn to love God properly.

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