Monday, 4 December 2006

A whole new world - Psalm 24

Yesterday I preached on Psalm 24, which is quite short but a bit complicated so it was a bit of a struggle! :o Anyway, it's a really exciting psalm because it's written to celebrate the day when the ark of God (a big box where God dwelled among his people in the Old Testament) entered Jerusalem, which was God's chosen city, where God would rule over his people. The clever bit is that the New Testament tells us (in Revelation 21) that one day there'll be a new Jerusalem, which is actually the whole world. And so just as ages ago God entered the city of Jerusalem to rule over his people there, one day he'll come to his world to rule over the whole thing - and, of course, everyone who trusts in Jesus will get to live there!
At this time of year, when most people are concentrating on what to get their Dad for Christmas, Christians focus on Jesus' second coming. So Psalm 24's a great one to think about, because it points towards the return of Jesus in glory and power to judge and to rule. Just think about that - if you're a Christian, just as truly as you're reading this, one day you'll be living in this world made perfect, ruled perfectly by and being friends with King Jesus; the baby in a manger will be sitting on his throne - wow! :)
Right, best get on and decide what to get Dad for Christmas....

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