Thursday, 24 May 2007


It's exam time at the moment, so perhaps time for a challenging reminder - this comes from one of the women who helps at our youth group here.

A fortnight ago at youth group we were thinking about reading the Bible, and some of the 'yoof' said they didn't have time to read their Bibles at home, they had too much else on - school, homework, sports clubs, drama, etc.

'What's your priority in life - to know God or to do well at worldly stuff?' she asked them.

'To know God,' came back the answer.

'Well if that really were the case, that would show itself in how you use your time. If knowing God is really your priority, you'd make time, even give things up, so that you read his Word each day.'

I imagine the reply began with 'But'. 'But' is a dangerous word - it's normally the beginning of an excuse. No buts. That youth leader was right - if knowing God is your priority, you'll make time to read his Word (even when exams are on). No ifs. No buts. Just change.

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