Thursday, 3 May 2007

Verse of the week

'And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words' 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18

Encouraging other Christians is not just a polite request in the Bible, it's a command. We are to encourage each other. It sounds an obvious thing to say, but then if we think about how often we encourage Christians we know to keep trusting in Jesus, do we really do it all that much? When was the last time you encouraged someone you know? Encouragement isn't just the job of the church leaders, or of older's a command for everyone.
What should we say to encourage each other? Well this verse gives us one great encouragement that we should share - 'we will be with the Lord forever.' Paul is talking of the day Christ returns to this world, returns in glory and power to bring about his perfect recreated world. That is the day that Christians, living and dead, will receive perfect bodies, see Jesus face to face, and live with him and with each other forever. If we're not encouraged by knowing that that is what the future holds for us, then we won't be encouraged by anything!
So why not, this week, aim to encourage at least one Christian you know with these words? Who is it you know who's struggling in their faith, or facing a difficult time in life? Encourage them with these words - help them to look forward to the day when we'll be with Christ forever.

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